Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ow ow ow

Got lost while doing my long run today. Not sure how far, or how fast, only that I was out for almost two hours, over rocky, rooty, hilly terrain. It was probably the longest run I've ever done, and now I'm a hurtin' unit!


Friday, September 26, 2008

Clean and Jerk

Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 reps


Finished up with max double-unders in 3 minutes, hit 100 again.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lactate Shuttle

5:00 run
2:30 recovery
6:00 run
3:00 recovery
7:00 run

Total distance 2.5 miles

Average HR 163
Average pace 9:12

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21-15-9 reps of
135# cleans
handstand pushups



Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tempo run

80% RPE, 20 minutes

I ran it in one block, but timed it as four separate five-minute blocks.

5:00 - .65 or 7:36 pace
10:00 - .60 or 8:18 pace
15:00 - .56 or 8:56 pace
20:00 - .51 or 9:48 pace

Total distance: 2.32, or 8:37 avg. pace.

Note to self - gotta find the chest band for my HRM, so I can figure out if I'm just whinging on some of these run WODs.

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Virtual Shoveling

Falls into the WTF category?

Virtual Shoveling

With an Olympic bar holding only one 45# plate, touch the plate on one side of the barrier then the other for one "rep." Barrier is 24."

Today's WOD:
30,25,20,15,10,5 reps of:
Virtual Shoveling

16:06. I did the first round much slower than the later rounds. Now that I've done it once before, I'm thinking I can knock a coupla' minutes off right away.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Isabel, BFR Breaking


30 Snatches, 85 pounds



2x1000M, 2 minute recovery:
3:47, 3:45. Turned out to be more like 900M after I mapped it.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Random Nastiness

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Body weight back squat

BP 8,7,5,5,5 = 30
PU 15,14,12,12,12 = 65
BS 10,9,8,7,7 = 41

Squat setup was weird; I think I could've done a lot more if I had trusted the setup.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Half marathon, maybe?

So I'm thinking about running the Shelburne field house half marathon. My longest run to date was about 9 miles, and right now I can run a 5K or a 10K without shaming myself, so I figured I'd run something a bit longer just to see how it'd go. I haven't yet decided to run this thing, but after today's run, I think it'd go fine.

7 miles, 64 minutes, average of 9:09 pace.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008



135 Pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps for time

6:20, which is a new PR. Woohoo!

Finished up with pullups and double-unders.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Deadlifts and double-unders

Deadlift 3 reps, 5 rounds.

Did 365, 315, 315, 315, 315.

The first round seemed like there was no way I was gonna make it, so I dropped the weight considerably.

Did sets of 20 pushups between rounds. Finished after the last round with 15 pullups.

Then I moved on to max double-unders in 3 minutes, and was able to hit 100! Woohoo!

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Short recovery intervals

6 rounds of:

200M runs @ 90% effort, rest 1 minute

Runs at 45, 43, 39, 40, 41 and 39.

Normal warmup and cooldown run.

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Fran is my homegirl


21-15-9 reps of:
95 pound Thruster

Last time was 8:06, this time was 8:07.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Reverse Tabata sprints

10 seconds sprint
20 seconds recover

16 rounds

The first couple were in the 60 meter range, but it went quickly downhill. I'm guessing I averaged 50 meters overall. The usual ½ mile warmup and cooldown runs on either end. All in all, this one felt pretty good.

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The Chief

Did "The Chief" to start out the day...

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

As Rx'd, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3. The cleans were the easy bit.

Looking forward to running today - should be a nice day for it.

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Friday, September 12, 2008


Run: 3 x (200m + 400m + 600m)

Rest the exact time it takes you to do each set. EX. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run Etc.

200 400 600

45 1:41 2:36
44 1:40 2:43
45 1:46 2:46

Harder in reality than it looked on paper! Normal ½ mile warmup and cooldown.

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Did Josh:

95# Overhead Squat, 21 reps
42 pullups
95# Overhead Squat, 15 reps
30 pullups
95# Overhead Squat, 9 reps
18 pullups


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Thursday, September 11, 2008


5k, done on my normal course. 24:40, which is, I think, a new PR, by about 30 seconds.

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Ring dips? Ring Dings? What's the difference?

40-30-20-10 reps of pullups and ring dips

22:21, with much of the time spent underneath the bar staring at it mumbling to myself "c'mon, three more"...

That was ugly!

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lactate Threshold, baby!

For distance:
3 x (2 min on / 2 min off + 2 min on / 1 min off).

Round Distance Distance2
1 .34 .29
2 .31 .31
3 .28 .25

Warmup and cooldown - half mile runs to tech park.

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Fight Gone Bad!

I did Fight Gone Bad! at home this morning. I don't have a rower, and it didn't seem right to do SDHPs again, so I subbed sit-ups instead.

WB: 24,23,25
SDHP: 17,19,20
BJ: 23,27,31
PP: 25,25,21
SU: 27,26,30

Total: 363

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Intervals, Nasty Girls

This morning, I did Nasty Girls in 14:01, a new PR!

Muscleups are still very, very ugly.

Ran some intervals at lunch:

3 rounds of 5 minutes of work, 3 minute recovery.

Round 1: .69 miles
Round 2: .64 miles
Round 3: .64 miles

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Monday, September 08, 2008

push jerk and pullups

Push jerk, 3 reps, 5 sets

155, 165, 175, 185, 165

I'm finally starting to grok this motion. In the past, I'd done it with my fingers under the bar, between the bar and my shoulders, and my elbows down. Now, I've figured out that my fingers need to be outside my shoulders. This forces me to drive more with my legs to get the bar off my shoulders, as I can't just push it off my chest now. I've also found this to be far easier on the wrists.

Alternated with 4 sets of 12 pullups. First three sets were L pullups, last set was strict slow regular pulls

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Friday, September 05, 2008

Front squats and pullups

Combined a coupla' WODs today:

Weighted pullups - 7 rounds of 1 rep, 75,85,90,95,95,95,95
Front squats - 5 rounds of 10 reps, 135,155,155,135,145

Finished up with 3 minutes of double-unders, got to 75, a new PR! Nailed 12 in a row, which was cool.

Weighed in at 188.

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Thursday, September 04, 2008


Tabata Sprints!

Warmup - half mile run

0:20 all out effort, 0:10 recovery, 8 rounds.

Started out around 120M, finished at something like 80... ugh!

Cooldown - half mile run back to the ranch.

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Amazing Grace

135# Clean and Jerk, 30 reps

6:41, which is, I think, a new PR.

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Angie in the morning, full recovery intervals in the afternoon...

Did Angie this morning, in 30:45. This is waaaaaaaaay off my PR of 23:33. I went into it not knowing what my PR was, and not wearing a watch. I think not knowing what time I had to beat let me slack off when I should have been pushing. Something to shoot for next time.

This afternoon, I did this workout:

10 x 200M with a 5:1 recovery ratio

Fastest was 34 seconds, slowest was 38.

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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

5k day

Felt OK but not fantastic. 25:52.

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